Some various products and supplements claim to help boost immunity. However, improving your immune system is as tough to accomplish as you might think, too, for a good reason.

Your body’s immune system is the combination of defenses that fight against diseases, making your body resilient. Improving your immune system helps you stay healthy and keeps your body functioning. But, it is incredibly complex. From a cold to COVID-19, it has to be strong and sophisticated to fight off various infections and illnesses, but not so strong that it unnecessarily overreacts, resulting in autoimmune disorders.

Various inputs control your body’s immune system to operate this delicate balance. Despite the complexity, you can do some things to help provide your immune system with what it needs to keep off illness and infection.

Before discussing the ways to strengthen your immune system, let’s know what it is and how it works.

What is the Immune System of Your Body?

The immune system is the natural defense system of your body. It is a complex network of proteins, cells, additional substances, tissues, and organs fighting against diseases and infections. It includes white blood cells, lymph system tissues and organs such as lymph vessels, lymph nodes, tonsils, thymus, spleen, and bone marrow.

Your immune system is divided into two main parts: the innate and adaptive systems. They work together and perform different roles to keep your body healthy.

Innate Immune System

Also known as the non-specific immune system is inherited and has been active since your birth. It is your body’s first line of defense against germs and consists of proteins, immune cells, mucous membranes, and your skin. It relies on the ability of your body to recognize the pathogens’ unknown features. Given that, it responds to the foreign substances that enter your body. However, it has its limitations.

If the innate immune system of your body cannot neutralize the threat, it triggers specific responses, which is when the adaptive system comes to play its role.

Adaptive Immune System

This immune is developed when you are exposed to particular pathogens. Also known as the acquired immune system is developed throughout your life when you come in contact with different germs. It consists of B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, antibodies present in your blood, and other bodily fluids. It is more sophisticated than the other and is pathogenic specific, unlike the innate system, which produces antibodies specific to each pathogen it encounters. In addition, it has an immunological memory that allows it to remember the pathogen when it enters your body again, and the same response is generated with more efficiency.

Does Alcohol Weaken Your Immune System?

Research has shown that alcohol weakens your immune system via indirect and direct influences. For instance, alcohol alters the microbe number in your gut directly, which affects the proper functioning of the immune system. Besides, it damages T cells and epithelial cells that play a role in your adaptive and innate immune systems.

Moreover, alcohol tends to affect the quality and duration of sleep. Thus, drinking in moderation and discussing with a trusted healthcare provider if you have any doubts is advised.

Do Antibiotics Lower Your Immune System?

Some studies advise that antibiotics could compromise your body’s immune system. Moreover, antibiotic resistance that occurs when the pathogens mutate and get resistant to the antibiotics is one of the major threats to public health. The world is facing such a type of threat with COVID-19, where the virus is constantly mutating, leading to dangerous variants.

Tips to Boost Your Immune System

Strengthening or boosting your immune system is about supporting the natural systems functioning in your body.

Exercise in Right Amount

Exercise is very important for a well-functioning immune system. Engaging in exercise enhances the function of natural killer cells, increases T-cells, and boosts vaccination response. But, it is also important not to overdo it. A long period of extended exercise can have the opposite or negative effects. It would help if you went for half an hour of moderate workout five days a week. It can include anything from going to the gym, having a walk, and other things you find suitable.

Good Quality Sleep

Your sleep and immune system are related closely. It has been found that while you are certain asleep, components of your immune systems are stimulated and overdriven. Improved sleep habits are important for the proper functioning of the immune system. You are suggested to get at least seven hours of continuous sound sleep every night.

Include Vegetables and Fruits into Your Diet

A great way to improve your immune system is incorporating more vegetables and fruits. It provides an abundance of nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene that help promote immune health by reducing oxidative stress. It can also affect healthy immune function by reducing stress and boosting energy levels.

Foods that Boost Your Immune System

Here is the list of some foods that are loaded with anti-oxidative properties and nutrients to help you boost your immune system:

  • Salmon: contains vitamin D
  • Edamame: contains folate
  • Carrots: contains beta carotene and vitamin A
  • Garlic: contains allicin
  • Broccoli: contains beta carotene and vitamin C
  • Oysters: contains selenium and zinc
  • Almonds: contain vitamin E
  • Spinach: contains beta carotene and vitamin C


Besides, taking vitamins every day can help you strengthen and regulate your immune system. It is important when struggling to eat a well-balanced and healthy diet. It will be really helpful if you can incorporate supplements for the following vitamins to boost your immune system such as:

  • Vitamin A
  • B Complex
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E


You can find all these vitamins on Medomand, which will be delivered to your doorstep within an hour.

Bottom Line

Keeping your immune system strong with lifestyle and incorporating a good diet and supplements is essential. If you get easily sick and the duration of your sickness is long, you must take the steps mentioned above to enhance your immunity.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be relied upon for any diagnostic or medical purpose or the treatment of any symptom or condition.